photo: Ayoub mzee
Simon Hardy .The big man before the big door
A briefing paper published today by Chatham House states that coalition forceshave failed to bring security to Afghanistan because they do not have acoherent strategy for operating in the country.The coalition’s internal cohesion is becoming increasingly fragile as some NATOstates have been less willing to share risks, and resisted sending their troopsin Afghanistan into combat. Insurgents have been able to take advantage of thisweakness, and have sought to influence NATO strategy by targeting individualmember states so as to manipulate public opinion among their home populations.At the same time, the conflict in Afghanistan is becoming increasinglyregional. Insurgents are able to source significant logistical and armamentsupplies from Pakistan. Coalition forces have been unable to stem thesesupplies because the Pakistani side of the border region is beyond theircontrol.The paper concludes that NATO will not be able to control Afghanistan until itdevelops a strategy that integrates counter-insurgency, counterterrorism andstability and reconstruction into operations on the ground.Click here to read Coalition Warfare in Afghanistan: Burden-sharing orDisunity?
Photo: Ayoub mzee
Ugandans in the Dispora listening to the vice president.In pucture[blk suit and grey shirt] is Mr Sam Lubega Democratic Party Uk
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